Wellington Waye Obituary
- Wellington Waye Obituary
Linda will begin her ascent with an Ancestral Processional led by her brother, Luther Gray, and other elders of the cultural community.
The processional will depart from St. Columbanus Catholic Church at 11:30 AM CST, stopping at other cultural markers including the DuSable Museum, Hyde Park High School, The Murray Family Home, and finally, St. Josephine Bakhita Catholic Church (formerly St. Philip Neri).
St. Columbanus Catholic Church is located at:
331 East 71st Street
Chicago, IL 60619
Processional Schedule:
11:30 AM: St. Columbanus Catholic Church
12:00 PM: DuSable Museum
12:30 PM: Hyde Park High School
1:00 PM: Family Home on Paxton Avenue
1:30 PM: Arrival at St. Josephine Bakhita Catholic Church
Please visit the RSVP HERE.
Health and safety precautions will be observed, per CDC guidance.